Hello All, we’ve added new photos from the 2022 season to our Gallery under the “Photo Gallery for 2022” dropdown title. The great photos of paddles from years gone by are still there too.
We invite you to submit your paddling photos of the 2023 season progresses.
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Photo Contest
The annual Photo Contest captures the best of members’ photos throughout the past paddle season and this past years’ submissions were no exception. The year end Club dinner showcases the talented photographic skills of all our members and narrows the submissions to a winner, and runner up in the Nature and Club Activities categories. Congratulations to Kim Korgemaa for winning first place in the Nature category with her Up, Up, and Away photo, and to Bob Casement the runner up for his Treading Carefully photo. Also congratulations to the Winner in the Club Activities category, Linda Anderson for her R&R in the Adirondacks and the Runner Up Kim Korgemaa for Under the Umbrella.